Expert international tax consultant
We know how to help your company.
International tax consultant
On this page you can learn things about International Tax Laws. Our consultants can, if you wish, give you first hand tips and tricks concerning this subject and are, as competent partners, at your disposal. In times of explosive company expansions and continued globalisation, it is not only large companies which are confronted with the problems and administrative challenges. International Tax Laws have, in recent years, become more and more important for smaller firms. When, previously, only a handful of employees could manage this task, we find that nowadays whole armies of specialised consultants are necessary to find transparency in International Tax Laws. In the meantime, small companies ,as well, need, in their founding stages, a Value Added Tax Identification Number in order to guarantee smooth operations with neighbouring states. Especially at this point between expansion and the question “What are the tax rules and regulations in the countries A,B and C ?” is where we come in. As professional tax consultants with our main emphasis on International Tax Law we have special and expert, up-to-date knowledge of tax laws in other countries. This knowledge is continually being extended and improved. We are at your disposal.
International tax laws – problems in detail
In order to avoid double taxation on the profits of a company working in two or more different countries there is the so-called DBA (double taxation agreement) where the taxation rights of the companies doing business in different countries are either agreed upon or refused. It often happens that rules are either overlooked or are incorrectly defined thus causing disadvantages for the companies concerned.
SBB Partner are most experienced in International Tax Rights and are there to give you first class consultation and advice.
Different approaches to profit and loss
International Tax Law operates according to the laws of the individual states and is restricted to their rules and regulations. An example of this is the ruling of profit and loss generated abroad.
Should losses be made in countries abroad, then this does not affect your tax situation in your home country. In short, your profits will not be reduced and you will not be granted tax relief. Should profits and losses be made in other countries, and this can – under certain conditions – be set off against tax.