Financial Auditors and Tax Advisors
in Berlin and Cologne
It is our job to protect our client’s money! We do this with special emphasis and with a far-reaching strategy.
We audit statutory and voluntary financial statements and consolidated financial statements according to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or according to German Commercial Law. more
We advise and support you in all fields of accountancy. We organize your business plans, prepare discussions with your bank and accompany you to credit negotiations. We draw up plans of your business and private assets and your liquidity. Liquidity is no co-incidence but the result of careful planning. We carefully prepare your business and private streams of payments. more
We consult companies and private individuals on all aspects of international tax law. We advise you from posting of employees, report to the tax authorities of false or incomplete tax returns, tax evasion to transfer price documentation. more
It is part of our job to emphasize the importance of generation planning, international tax laws, tax organization as well as tax planning and wage tax consultancy. more